Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id | string |
None. |
idkey | string |
None. |
codeinsurance | string |
None. |
codesame | string |
None. |
orderinginsurance | string |
None. |
idpartner | string |
None. |
idbrandpartner | string |
None. |
idcate | string |
None. |
codecate | string |
None. |
namecate | string |
None. |
code | string |
None. |
name | string |
None. |
idunit | string |
None. |
nameunit | string |
None. |
qtyuse | decimal number |
None. |
idunituse | string |
None. |
nameunituse | string |
None. |
idmodelservice | integer |
None. |
namemodelservice | string |
None. |
idehc | integer |
None. |
codeehc | string |
None. |
qty | decimal number |
None. |
qtycheck | decimal number |
None. |
idsubject | string |
None. |
namesubject | string |
None. |
isbold | boolean |
None. |
isinvoice | boolean |
None. |
ordering | integer |
None. |
reuseday | integer |
None. |
timework | integer |
None. |
timeminimum | integer |
None. |
quantity | decimal number |
None. |
isconsultation | boolean |
None. |
ishight | boolean |
None. |
ismaternity | boolean |
None. |
isdiscount | boolean |
None. |
isresultout | boolean |
None. |
isquantity | boolean |
None. |
ischange | boolean |
None. |
isdestroy | boolean |
None. |
issolveout | boolean |
None. |
isprintresults | boolean |
None. |
istimepay | boolean |
None. |
notuse | boolean |
None. |
datecreate | string |
None. |
idcreate | string |
None. |
codecreate | string |
None. |
namecreate | string |
None. |
dateedit | string |
None. |
idedit | string |
None. |
codeedit | string |
None. |
nameedit | string |
None. |
outsoure | boolean |
None. |
tempdefault | string |
None. |
lstprice | Collection of PriceTotal |
None. |
lstbonus | Collection of BonusTotal |
None. |
listinsure | Collection of DrugInsure |
None. |
lstbrand | Collection of ListBrandView |
None. |
listquota | Collection of ModelQuota |
None. |
listicd | Collection of ModelICD |
None. |
listwork | Collection of ItemSubClinic |
None. |
lsttemplate | Collection of ItemSubClinic |
None. |
lstclinic | Collection of ItemClinic |
None. |
lststuff | Collection of StuffService |
None. |
lsticdmain | Collection of ICDConfigView |
None. |
lsticdoriental | Collection of ICDConfigView |
None. |
lstspecialize | Collection of SpecializeConfigView |
None. |
rate |
Tỷ lệ % bảo hiểm thanh toán |
decimal number |
None. |
phamvi |
Phạm vi (1- BHYT Chi trả, 2- Ngoài BHYT, 3 - NgoaifBHYT trừ các đối tượng quân đội, công an) |
integer |
None. |