Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id | string |
None. |
ordering | integer |
None. |
idrugstore | string |
None. |
coderugstore | string |
None. |
namedrugstore | string |
None. |
pagedrugstore | string |
None. |
idkey | string |
None. |
idpartner | string |
None. |
idbrandpartner | string |
None. |
numberprint | integer |
None. |
idstore | string |
None. |
codestore | string |
None. |
namestore | string |
None. |
rate | decimal number |
None. |
ratepay | decimal number |
None. |
idehc | integer |
None. |
idreception | string |
None. |
codereception | string |
None. |
idsource | string |
None. |
namesource | string |
None. |
codevote | string |
None. |
datevote | string |
None. |
idcustomer | string |
None. |
code | string |
None. |
name | string |
None. |
birthday | string |
None. |
sex | string |
None. |
phone | string |
None. |
address | string |
None. |
idcountry | string |
None. |
namecountry | string |
None. |
idprovince | string |
None. |
nameprovince | string |
None. |
iddistrict | string |
None. |
namedistrict | string |
None. |
idward | string |
None. |
nameward | string |
None. |
numberinsure | string |
None. |
fromdate | string |
None. |
todate | string |
None. |
placeabout | string |
None. |
placeinsure | string |
None. |
iddepartment | string |
None. |
namedepartment | string |
None. |
idroom | string |
None. |
nameroom | string |
None. |
bed | string |
None. |
nameicd | string |
None. |
datein | string |
None. |
dateout | string |
None. |
status | integer |
None. |
statuspay | integer |
None. |
codevoucher | string |
None. |
totalpoint | decimal number |
None. |
total | decimal number |
None. |
totaldiscount | decimal number |
None. |
promotion | decimal number |
None. |
totalpromotion | decimal number |
None. |
totalhospital | decimal number |
None. |
totalpay | decimal number |
None. |
totalreturn | decimal number |
None. |
totalinsure | decimal number |
None. |
totalpaid | decimal number |
None. |
totaldebt | decimal number |
None. |
totalcost | decimal number |
None. |
totaltax | decimal number |
None. |
note | string |
None. |
idabout | string |
None. |
codeabout | string |
None. |
nameabout | string |
None. |
idhuman | string |
None. |
codehuman | string |
None. |
namehuman | string |
None. |
datecreate | string |
None. |
idcreate | string |
None. |
codecreate | string |
None. |
namecreate | string |
None. |
dateedit | string |
None. |
idedit | string |
None. |
codeedit | string |
None. |
nameedit | string |
None. |
datedestroy | string |
None. |
iddestroy | string |
None. |
codedestroy | string |
None. |
namedestroy | string |
None. |
notedestroy | string |
None. |
isexport | boolean |
None. |
listdetail | Collection of CashierDetailAdd |
None. |
listpay | Collection of CashierPayMethodAdd |
None. |
lstexport | Collection of StoreExportDetailAdd |
None. |
exchange |
Tỷ giá |
decimal number |
None. |
totalex |
Tổng tiền hàng hóa tỷ gia |
decimal number |
None. |
totaltaxex |
Tổng tiền thuế tỷ gia |
decimal number |
None. |
totaldiscountex |
Tổng tiền giảm giá tỷ gia |
decimal number |
None. |
totalotherex |
Tổng tiền nguồn khác tỷ gia |
decimal number |
None. |
totalvoucherex |
Tổng tiền voucher tỷ gia |
decimal number |
None. |
totalsubchargerex |
Tổng tiền phụ phí tỷ gia |
decimal number |
None. |
totalinsureex |
Tổng tiền BHYT tỷ gia |
decimal number |
None. |
totalpayex |
Tổng tiền phải thu tỷ gia |
decimal number |
None. |