POST api/TranferData/Update?api={api}&id={id}
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
api | string |
Required |
id | integer |
Default value is 0 |
Body Parameters
ReceiptEHCDetailModelName | Description | Type | Additional information |
idbenhnhan |
id bệnh nhân |
integer |
None. |
idluotkham |
id lượt khám |
integer |
None. |
mabenhnhan |
Mã bệnh nhân |
string |
None. |
tenbenhnhan |
Tên bệnh nhân |
string |
None. |
gioitinh |
Giới tính |
integer |
None. |
ngaysinh |
Ngày sinh yyyyMMddHHmm |
string |
None. |
sodienthoai |
Số điện thoại |
string |
None. |
diachi |
Địa chỉ |
string |
None. |
noilamviec |
Nơi làm việc |
string |
None. |
Địa chỉ email |
string |
None. |
cccd |
Số căn cước công dân |
string |
None. |
chandoan |
Chẩn đoán |
string |
None. |
chandoan_icd10 |
Chẩn đoán ICD 10 |
string |
None. |
ngaydontiep |
Ngày đón tiếp yyyyMMddHHmm |
string |
None. |
ngayravien |
Ngày ra viện yyyyMMddHHmm |
string |
None. |
change_price |
Danh sách dịch vụ |
Collection of EHCChangePrice |
None. |
change_invoice |
Danh sách phiếu thu |
Collection of EHCChangeInvoice |
None. |
change_drug |
Danh sách thuốc |
Collection of EHCChangeDrug |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "change_price": [ { "servicedataid": 1, "service_code": "sample string 1", "service_name": "sample string 2", "service_unit": "sample string 3", "service_quantity": 1.1, "service_price": 1.1, "service_amount": 1.1, "service_discount": 1.1, "payment_bhyt": 1.1, "payment_patient": 1.1, "payment_patient_is": 1.1 }, { "servicedataid": 1, "service_code": "sample string 1", "service_name": "sample string 2", "service_unit": "sample string 3", "service_quantity": 1.1, "service_price": 1.1, "service_amount": 1.1, "service_discount": 1.1, "payment_bhyt": 1.1, "payment_patient": 1.1, "payment_patient_is": 1.1 } ], "change_invoice": [ { "invoiceid": 1, "invoicecode": "sample string 1", "sotien": 1.1, "loaiphieu": "sample string 2", "ngaythutien": "sample string 3" }, { "invoiceid": 1, "invoicecode": "sample string 1", "sotien": 1.1, "loaiphieu": "sample string 2", "ngaythutien": "sample string 3" } ], "change_drug": [ { "drugid": 1, "service_code": "sample string 1", "service_name": "sample string 2", "service_unit": "sample string 3", "service_quantity": 1.1, "service_price": 1.1, "service_amount": 1.1, "service_discount": 1.1, "payment_bhyt": 1.1, "payment_patient": 1.1, "payment_patient_is": 1.1 }, { "drugid": 1, "service_code": "sample string 1", "service_name": "sample string 2", "service_unit": "sample string 3", "service_quantity": 1.1, "service_price": 1.1, "service_amount": 1.1, "service_discount": 1.1, "payment_bhyt": 1.1, "payment_patient": 1.1, "payment_patient_is": 1.1 } ], "idbenhnhan": 1, "idluotkham": 1, "mabenhnhan": "sample string 1", "tenbenhnhan": "sample string 2", "gioitinh": 1, "ngaysinh": "sample string 3", "sodienthoai": "sample string 4", "diachi": "sample string 5", "noilamviec": "sample string 6", "email": "sample string 7", "cccd": "sample string 8", "chandoan": "sample string 9", "chandoan_icd10": "sample string 10", "ngaydontiep": "sample string 11", "ngayravien": "sample string 12" }
application/xml, text/xml
<ReceiptEHCDetailModel xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <cccd>sample string 8</cccd> <chandoan>sample string 9</chandoan> <chandoan_icd10>sample string 10</chandoan_icd10> <change_drug> <EHCChangeDrug> <drugid>1</drugid> <payment_bhyt>1.1</payment_bhyt> <payment_patient>1.1</payment_patient> <payment_patient_is>1.1</payment_patient_is> <service_amount>1.1</service_amount> <service_code>sample string 1</service_code> <service_discount>1.1</service_discount> <service_name>sample string 2</service_name> <service_price>1.1</service_price> <service_quantity>1.1</service_quantity> <service_unit>sample string 3</service_unit> </EHCChangeDrug> <EHCChangeDrug> <drugid>1</drugid> <payment_bhyt>1.1</payment_bhyt> <payment_patient>1.1</payment_patient> <payment_patient_is>1.1</payment_patient_is> <service_amount>1.1</service_amount> <service_code>sample string 1</service_code> <service_discount>1.1</service_discount> <service_name>sample string 2</service_name> <service_price>1.1</service_price> <service_quantity>1.1</service_quantity> <service_unit>sample string 3</service_unit> </EHCChangeDrug> </change_drug> <change_invoice> <EHCChangeInvoice> <invoicecode>sample string 1</invoicecode> <invoiceid>1</invoiceid> <loaiphieu>sample string 2</loaiphieu> <ngaythutien>sample string 3</ngaythutien> <sotien>1.1</sotien> </EHCChangeInvoice> <EHCChangeInvoice> <invoicecode>sample string 1</invoicecode> <invoiceid>1</invoiceid> <loaiphieu>sample string 2</loaiphieu> <ngaythutien>sample string 3</ngaythutien> <sotien>1.1</sotien> </EHCChangeInvoice> </change_invoice> <change_price> <EHCChangePrice> <payment_bhyt>1.1</payment_bhyt> <payment_patient>1.1</payment_patient> <payment_patient_is>1.1</payment_patient_is> <service_amount>1.1</service_amount> <service_code>sample string 1</service_code> <service_discount>1.1</service_discount> <service_name>sample string 2</service_name> <service_price>1.1</service_price> <service_quantity>1.1</service_quantity> <service_unit>sample string 3</service_unit> <servicedataid>1</servicedataid> </EHCChangePrice> <EHCChangePrice> <payment_bhyt>1.1</payment_bhyt> <payment_patient>1.1</payment_patient> <payment_patient_is>1.1</payment_patient_is> <service_amount>1.1</service_amount> <service_code>sample string 1</service_code> <service_discount>1.1</service_discount> <service_name>sample string 2</service_name> <service_price>1.1</service_price> <service_quantity>1.1</service_quantity> <service_unit>sample string 3</service_unit> <servicedataid>1</servicedataid> </EHCChangePrice> </change_price> <diachi>sample string 5</diachi> <email>sample string 7</email> <gioitinh>1</gioitinh> <idbenhnhan>1</idbenhnhan> <idluotkham>1</idluotkham> <mabenhnhan>sample string 1</mabenhnhan> <ngaydontiep>sample string 11</ngaydontiep> <ngayravien>sample string 12</ngayravien> <ngaysinh>sample string 3</ngaysinh> <noilamviec>sample string 6</noilamviec> <sodienthoai>sample string 4</sodienthoai> <tenbenhnhan>sample string 2</tenbenhnhan> </ReceiptEHCDetailModel>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
DataUpdateName | Description | Type | Additional information |
status | string |
None. |
message | string |
None. |
id | string |
None. |
code | string |
None. |
code1 | string |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "status": "sample string 1", "message": "sample string 2", "id": "sample string 3", "code": "sample string 4", "code1": "sample string 5" }
text/javascript, application/javascript, application/json-p
/**/ typeof === 'function' && ({"status":"sample string 1","message":"sample string 2","id":"sample string 3","code":"sample string 4","code1":"sample string 5"});
application/xml, text/xml
<DataUpdate xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <code>sample string 4</code> <code1>sample string 5</code1> <id>sample string 3</id> <message>sample string 2</message> <status>sample string 1</status> </DataUpdate>